Windows 10Windows 8.1Windows 8Windows 7 症狀 在檔案總管(在 Windows 7 及舊版 Windows中稱為 Windows 檔案總管)中未發現您的 CD 或 DVD 光碟,並且在裝置管理員中為該裝置標示黃色驚嘆號。 此外,在您開啟裝置的屬性對話方塊後,裝置狀態區域中會列出以下錯誤之一: ...
症状 文件资源管理器中未显示 CD 或 DVD 驱动器(在 Windows 7 和旧版 Windows 中称为 Windows 资源管理器),并且设备在设备管理器中标有黄色感叹号。 此外,在打开设备的“属性”对话框后 , “设备状态”区域中会列出下列错误 之一: 由于其配置信息(注册表中的)不完整或已...
In Windows, search for and open Device Manager. Double-click DVD/CD-ROM drives to expand the category. If a CD/DVD drive is not listed in DVD/CD-ROM drives, go to HP PCs - CD/DVD drive is not detected (Windows 10). If a CD/DVD drive is listed, continue to the next step...
Hi, all I reinstalled windows 10 from DVD to my old HP elitebook 850 G2 in 2015 and I got this message "We couldn't install Windows 10" as photo while I installed it twice. Why is that? And how cou... Willy_Kang This is another discussion in which no solution...
DVD Error Handling This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later. Error handling is crucial in DVD applications; most functions are only valid if the disc has enabled specific features or in specific domains. Visual Basic only returns the decimal equivalent of the first sixteen bits...
First, log on to Windows as administrator. Then follow these steps to modify the problem registry entry: 1) In Device Manager, expand the categoryDVD/CD-ROM drives. Right-click on the DVD/CD-ROM device under this ca...
Found Microsoft Fix it. Downloaded and ran "DeleteLowerAndUpperFiltersForCDDevices.msi Rebooted and my E: & F: drives have re-appeared after several weeks missing. Thanks, Microsoft. Regards, Peter Young Anonymous April 15, 2009 hi, my dvd drive not detecting any cd or dvd. tha...
to create a cd or dvd, you'll need a blank disc, a cd/dvd burner drive on your computer, and software for burning the data onto the disc. depending on what model you buy, computers can come with built-in software like windows media player or itunes that can burn cds, while third-...
Windows will automatically detect and reinstall your DVD-ROM or CD-ROM drives. You can verify that the drives are installed by viewing them in Device Manager (see step 9). If the drives are not present, open Device Manger and choose Actions > Scan For Hardware Changes. ...