Fisher FIELDVUE DVC6200f数字阀控制器管理变更指南说明书 Replacement of Firmware 2 (and older) with Firmware 3.1 for Fisher ™ FIELDVUE ™ DVC6200f Digital Valve Controllers Management of Change Guide January 2017 D352662X012 Table of Contents Management of Change (2)Background (2)Question &...
1、在Configure(组态)菜单选择Manualsetup(手动模式) 2、选择模式保护将In Service(运行模式)改为Out Of Oervice。(退出运行模式) 3、选择改变仪表模式 4、选择Out Of Oervice。按Enter (确认)后返回 5、温馨提醒选择OK 6、在Manual Setup(手动模式)中选择Out puts(输出)用来设定定位...
Fisher ™ FIELDVUE ™ DVC6200f Digital Valve Controller PST Calibration and Testing using ValveLink ™ Software The test procedure contained in this Instruction Manual Supplement is to be considered as a guideline only and should be modified to address site﹑ecific requirements. Use this ...
TB Wood's Electronic Drives Catalog Manual 3212A-3 TB Woods SF 1-7/16 Type SF QD Finished Bore Bushings NR LOT2 NEW TB WOODS SURE FLEX COUPLING FLANGE 8S138 8SX1 3/8 SF 1-3/8IN BORE 58424 TB Woods SDSx5/8 Type SDS QD Finished Bore Bushings NR ...
Hex key, 2.5 hex, L-key flat end, long (key 15) is to be used to secure the M4 hex socket button head screws (key 4). Refer to the DVC6200 digital valve controller instruction manual for digital controller parts identification. Refer to the appropriate actuator instruction manual for ...
1、在manual setup菜单下选择instrument 2、选择terminal box 3、选择calibration button按右键 4、选择autocal后enter 5、选择send发送完成接线盒自行程校检按钮设置。 四、DVC整定设定 Dvc整定设定主要用来调节定位器输出,阀门动作快慢,改善偏差。同样是在manual setup菜单下进行设定。 1、选择tuning 2、选择travel tu...
3、行程、压力控制4、整定5、阀门与执行机构6、输出值保存菜单主页在manualsetup中选择outputs用来设定 定位器反馈输出1、输出终端组态2、开关组态3、变送器输出4mA时=阀关4、HART变量分配选择outputtermin al输出配置1、输出端激活/禁用2、功能发送器3、失败信号发射低/··选择output terminalenable输出端选择启用禁...
Fisher DVC6200 475菜单 overview 查看 device status 设备状态 analog input 电流输入 setpoint 0.0% travel 0.0% pressure A 0.0psi pressure B 0.0psi pressure A-B 0.0psi device information 服务信息 configure 组态 guided setup 组态设置 device setup stabilize/optimize manual setup 手动设置 mode and ...
进入Manual Setup. 选择Tuning 选择Travel Tuning 选择Travel Tuning Set. 从C—M调整增益,选择合适的级别后确认,一般与原始值跨度不要太大。 行程整定设置完成后无比点击Send发送,此步完成后阀门整定设置完成,记得所有设定后,阀门一定设置为in service状态。 如果在校验过程中调整输出偏离过程进行不下去,出现喘振,可...