Specifies that the data validation error style uses a stopiconin the error alert. 0x01 Specifies that the data validation error style uses a warning icon in the error alert. 0x02 Specifies that the data validation error style uses an information icon in the error alert. ...
2.4.656 BrtExternalCodeService 2.4.657 BrtExternalLinksAlternateUrls 2.4.658 BrtExternalLinksPr 2.4.659 BrtExternCellBlank 2.4.660 BrtExternCellBool 2.4.661 BrtExternCellError 2.4.662 BrtExternCellReal 2.4.663 BrtExternCellString 2.4.664 BrtExternRowHdr ...
babel-code-frame "^6.16.0" babel-messages "^6.8.0" babel-runtime "^6.9.0" babel-types "^6.19.0" babylon "^6.11.0" debug "^2.2.0" globals "^9.0.0" invariant "^2.2.0" lodash "^4.2.0" babel-types@^6.0.19, babel-types@^6.13.0, babel-types@^6.16.0, babel-types...
2.4.656 BrtExternalCodeService 2.4.657 BrtExternalLinksAlternateUrls 2.4.658 BrtExternalLinksPr 2.4.659 BrtExternCellBlank 2.4.660 BrtExternCellBool 2.4.661 BrtExternCellError 2.4.662 BrtExternCellReal 2.4.663 BrtExternCellString 2.4.664 BrtExternRowHdr 2.4.665 BrtExternSheet 2.4.666 BrtExternTab...
2.4.656 BrtExternalCodeService 2.4.657 BrtExternalLinksAlternateUrls 2.4.658 BrtExternalLinksPr 2.4.659 BrtExternCellBlank 2.4.660 BrtExternCellBool 2.4.661 BrtExternCellError 2.4.662 BrtExternCellReal 2.4.663 BrtExternCellString 2.4.664 BrtExternRowHdr 2.4.665 BrtExternSheet 2.4.666 BrtExternTab...
2.4.656 BrtExternalCodeService 2.4.657 BrtExternalLinksAlternateUrls 2.4.658 BrtExternalLinksPr 2.4.659 BrtExternCellBlank 2.4.660 BrtExternCellBool 2.4.661 BrtExternCellError 2.4.662 BrtExternCellReal 2.4.663 BrtExternCellString 2.4.664 BrtExternRowHdr 2.4.665 BrtExternSheet 2.4.666 BrtExternTab...
Specifies that the data validation error style uses a stopiconin the error alert. 0x01 Specifies that the data validation error style uses a warning icon in the error alert. 0x02 Specifies that the data validation error style uses an information icon in the error alert. ...
A - errStyle (3 bits): An unsigned integer that specifies the style of error alert used for this data validation. This value MUST be a value from the following table.Expand table Value Meaning 0x00 Specifies that the data validation error style uses a stop icon in the error alert....
Specifies that the data validation error style uses a stopiconin the error alert. 0x01 Specifies that the data validation error style uses a warning icon in the error alert. 0x02 Specifies that the data validation error style uses an information icon in the error alert. ...
消除警报 Learn 登录 消除警报 2.5 Structures 3 Structure Examples 4 Security Considerations 5 Appendix A: Product Behavior 6 Change Tracking 7 Index 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 添加 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 ...