This document is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on 10/01/2024 "This public notice provides information on how to apply for the DV-2026 Program and is issued pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act. ... Applicants must submit entries for the DV-2026 program electroni...
With less than two weeks remaining until the DV 2026 deadline, applicants now have access to this unique tool, giving them an edge in successfully navigating the Green Card Lottery.’s AI system is timely, accessible, and precise, meeting the demands of a complex immigration la...
For DV-2026, native of the following countries are ineligible to participate in the program because more than 50,000 of their natives migrated to the US in the previous five years: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, The People’s Republic of China (including mainland and Hong Kong born), Colombia,...
All uploaded photos will automatically be deleted from our servers after a maximum of one hour. No uploaded photos will be made public or used in any other way than to proceed this check. This is a private website. We are not in any way associated with the Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery ...
The State Department will begin accepting online registrations for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 green card lottery starting October 2, 2024 at noon EDT.
【2026年起,#论语红楼梦高考不再单独设题#】#北京高考语文不再单考红楼梦#记者从多所学校获悉,北京高考语文卷整本书阅读考查方案将调整:自2026年起,《论语》《红楼梦》不在试卷中单独设题考查;继续在高中学业水平合格性考试中安排整本书的考查,范围为《红楼梦》《乡土中国》。#红楼梦退出高考语文# L北京日报都...