In 2024 the changed date of the show coincided with the D-Day Squadron Legacy Tour and a series of air displays commemorated the event. Initially it was hoped that up to seven Dakotas from the USA, Europe and the UK would take part but that number dwindled to four on Saturday and three...
Flying Evening 2024 (in slideshow, Duxford Flying Evening 2022 and 'After Hours' 2021 will follow on) Flying Evening 2022 Evening Display 'After Hours' 2021 (and a few aircraft taking off before the displays began) Tweet
I would have thought that the air displays drew large crowds to spend money in the Museum shops. Nice to know they can do without that extra revenue. Ewen Scott, Aug 27, 2020 #13 Chris C likes this. Robert-w Banned And so it ceases to be the IWM and becomes the IWAM (Impe...
There was clearly great thought given to the order in which the displays took to the air, to maximise the effect of the varying conditions. Ending with pyrotechnics by Airborne Pyrotechnics and Brendan O'Brien's Schweizer 300C 'Otto' was an obvious choice but the earlier order will have taken...
This Duxford Finale may not have had the Duxford Big Wing, or the atmospherics of the Evening Airshow but it did follow the Palladium's example by bringing the season to a crescendo, combining a series of displays into a finale of which The Palladium would have been proud. ...