duty of care翻译成"注意义务"比较合适,结合侵权法的理论,可以把duty of care理解为因为行为人主观上的疏忽,而未尽到相应的注意义务,而这个注意义务的要求因为行为人为专业人士,所以要高于一般人.在tort law(侵权法)中,而negligence的含义是疏忽,怠慢,这个字很多时用在专业人士身上,主要针对专业人士并没有根据他们的...
duty of care翻译成"注意义务"比较合适,结合侵权法的理论,可以把duty of care理解为因为行为人主观上的疏忽,而未尽到相应的注意义务,而这个注意义务的要求因为行为人为专业人士,所以要高于一般人.在tort law(侵权法)中,而negligence的含义是疏忽,怠慢,这个字很多时用在专业人士身上,主要针对专业人士并没有根据他们的...
law(侵权法)中,而negligence的含义是疏忽、怠慢,这个字很多时用在专业人士身上,主要针对专业人士并没有根据他们的专业操守、行为,而作出适当的做法,至使他们的客户因此而蒙受损失。所以duty of care 翻译成“注意义务”比较合适,结合侵权法的理论,可以把duty of care 理解为因为行为人主观上的疏忽...
1the mechanism used in the law of tort or delict to determine when a person may be liable. Normally, reasonable foreseeability of physical harm will create a duty, but restrictions exist in cases of economic loss, nervous shock and other more unusual harms. The concept is practically useful ...
THE DUTY OF CARE IN COMPANY LAW – BASIC ISSUES FOREWORDdoi:10.14712/23366478.2022.31REASONABLE care (Law)LEGAL liabilityLEGAL educationCOMPARATIVE lawEICHLEROV, KATEINAActa Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica
What is duty of care? The Duty of Care law in the UK requires employers to look after the health and safety of their employees. Whether a company is small or large, employers need to understand potential risks and find ways to manage them. Legal...
习惯法中的民事侵权法(Tort Law)要求雇主对雇员负上谨慎管理的责任(A duty of care),其中即包括提供一个适合的安全 … www.hkptu.org.hk|基于3个网页 2. 对参赛选手的关心的义务 翻译 急需 谢谢_百度知道 ... cast a shadow 笼罩一层阴影A Duty of Care对参赛选手的关心的义务catapulted 照射 ... ...
In tort law, a duty of care is a legal obligation that is imposed on an individual. Duty of care requires adherence to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. If it has been established that a duty of care has been imposed by law, bre...
侵权法中的注意义务The Legal Duty of Care in Tort Law, Foreseeability of Injury DUTY OF CARE IN TORTS LAW, LIABILITY, FORESEEABILITY OF NEGLIGENCE, RECKLESSNESS, NUISANCE Duty of care in Donaghue -v- Stevenson 1932 was defined as exercising such care as is due in such 'acts or omissions ...