One industry where document controllers are needed is construction, where you'll manage document flow for various small- and large-scale projects. Other industries include engineering, oil and gas, metals mining, banking, government and healthcare systems. As a document controller in construction and...
The first phase of embezzlement is the criminal act itself, taking money or property manually, by computer, or by telephone. Once the crime has been committed, the embezzler attempts to conceal it. Making a phony payment, falsifying a document, or making misleading journal entries are some of...
custodyofassets.Intheareaofdisbursements,forexample,makedifferentemployees responsiblefororderingthegoodsandservices,recordingthetransactionsinthe accountingrecords,signingthechecksandreconcilingthemonthlybankstatements. Keepinmindthatthepersonwhocanmosteasilycommitfraudinyourorganizationis thecontrolleroremployeewiththe...
Import of goods into Bangladesh is regulated by the ministry of commerce in terms of the Import and Export (control) Act, 1950 with Import policy order issued periodically and public notices issued from time to time by the office of the Chief controller Import Policy (1997-2002), which has ...