Sheriff, a senior executive officer in an English county or smaller area who performs a variety of administrative and judicial functions. Officers of this name also exist in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the United States. In England the office
The Home Office code of practice on police use of firearms in England and Wales stipulates "all force used must be reasonable in the circumstances". In Scottish law, a police officer is not entitled to discharge a firearm against a person unless the officer has reason...
the information unless he discloses it, in the courseofhis duties,toanother member, officer or employee of that body. 在應未依第 120 節規定登記的團體之要求副署申請表後,依據第 113A 或 113B 節規定提供資訊的情況下,如 ...
Bobby, slang term for a member of London’s Metropolitan Police. The name is derived from that of Sir Robert Peel, who as home secretary established the force in 1829. Bobbies do not carry guns and are tasked with preventing crime. Learn more about the b