The boatswain was responsible for taking care of rigging, anchors, cordage, sails, boats, flags etc. The Royal Navy’s last official boatswain was Commander E.W Andrew OBE, who retired in 1990. However, the majority of Royal Navy Ships still have a Chief Boatswain’s Mate, the senior rati...
Job Description of a Mechanical Fitter→ Job Description for Pipe Fabricator→ Drywall Finisher Job Description→ Carpenter Duties & Responsibilities→ How to Become a Press Brake Operator→ Job Description of a Mechanical Assembler→References U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Assemblers and Fabricators...
Who is a Fitter in the Merchant Navy? Fitter in the Merchant Navy is an important job position on board ships that requires great skill and expertise. Fitters help construct, maintain, and repair all kinds of ships, including container ships, bulk carriers, icebreaker ships, and tankers. ...