在这些条目还发现'Dutch': 在英文解释里: delft-delftware-Flanders-Flemish-florin-griffon-guilder-Netherlander-patroon-Remonstrant WordReference.com WORD OF THE DAY carol GET THE DAILY EMAIL! 成为WordReference的支持者,浏览网站再也不受广告的打扰。
Dad has grown a short beard on his chin and my mum doesn’t like it. A strong chin means you are independent. and there's no markings under your chin, so cello. English word "de kin"(chin) occurs in sets:DENTIST TERMINOLOGY / TERMINOLOGIE TANDARTS other words beginning with "D" dat...
aThe Dutch word “Spar” meaning pinewood gave the idea of using “wood-like” materials at the ceiling or at the winery. It also helps to create a more Acryl (corian) was chosen for the finishing of all rounded furniture, as they had to be white, shiny, clean, durable, and supporting...
“This isn’t exactly fair is it? He said. “The key’s probably been missing for 100 years. What shall I do? Pick the lock?”Nafsi looked at Yogi. She knew that he couldn’t hold in the secret, but she decided that it was time she got a word in:“You know, Dad, I’ve ...
TheUitsmijter. The name evokes images of strength, courage and forceful endings. The word "uitsmijter" itself means "forcefully throw out" and can refer to a profession (bouncer at a nightclub), but in food speak, it's the name of a solid open-faced sandwich with meat, cheese and ...
Toch is er ook positieve impact van Twilight, die vaak niet belicht wordt: Twilight was het perfecte verspreidings- en promotiemiddel voor software. Door het bereik kregen velen toegang tot pakketten waar ze nog nooit van hadden gehoord of die onbetaalbaar waren. Zo was “photoshoppen” ...
But I like your word (rationalizing) better. And I think I must now make my first Dutch Baby, especially considering it’s a chocolate one and all! January 20, 2017 at 1:23 pm Reply Sara Pretty sure the perfect topping for this baby would be some peanut butter (or other nut ...
Janet Parker noted that Havekost, as staff liaison, had been largely responsible for Barbara Havekost shares a special moment with her family; from left Alex and Lars with their dad Charles, Grant with grand- mother Barbara Havekost, Brian holding son Patrick and daugh- ters-in-law Eva and...
Things are getting better for us dads. In most places, men can now share paternity leave and there are a lot more opportunities to work from home. That said, often when I’m out with my children I find I’m the only dad there. Where are all the other dads? Hopefully not chained to...
It was a busy week for the Double Dutch Dad,Bill Bloom! During theirspring concert last Sunday, thePhiladelphia Boys Choir and Choraledebuted the orchestrated version of his song “Everybody Shines!” which has quickly become a choir favorite. Later in the week, he accompanied songwriter Cynthia...