Desperation, self-delusion, and woefully unearned confidence, Dutch van der Linde is the perfect villain for our times
He exploited the Hampson–Linde cycle to investigate how materials behave when cooled to nearly absolute zero and later to liquefy helium for the first time, in 1908. He was also the discoverer of superconductivity in 1911. Birthplace: Groningen, Kingdom of the Netherlands Hendricus S...
236 LINDE, Ph. VAN DER & Edw. JACOBSON. Simaloer (Simeuloeë). Weltevreden, Visser & Co., 1920. Modern cloth. With folding map and plates. (8),69 pp. € 45,00 € Mededeelingen van het Bureau voor de Bestuurszaken der Buitengewesten, bewerkt door het Encyclopaedisch bureau...
He exploited the Hampson–Linde cycle to investigate how materials behave when cooled to nearly absolute zero and later to liquefy helium for the first time, in 1908. He was also the discoverer of superconductivity in 1911. Birthplace: Groningen, Kingdom of the Netherlands Hendricus Stoof Age: ...