Empire Excavation (custom mission) (create) Employee badges (create) Enchantment: Eternaween (create) Enclosure (create) End of the Line (video) (create) End of the Line Community Update Medal (create) Endothermic Espionage (custom mission) (create) Endothermic Exowear (create) Energy Entropy (...
dealers from Orinocque generally moor theirboats”, is passed by“all vessels which come through the inland waters”and pro-vided the opportunity“to build a house there so close to the river side that ahand grenade can be thrown into the boats”,as“the river being at its narrowestthere...
and as a predictable consequence of the humanitarian disaster they were largely responsible for creating, the East India Company’s tax and trade revenues had collapsed. This precipitated a credit crisis in British banks that reverberated across the Empire, including the American...
Shell boasted about its contribution to the German economy stretching back to 1924. We assume the map provided directions to the Polish border. In the years approaching WW2, the ardent Nazi, Sir Henri Deterding, was in control at Shell along with likeminded Group Managing Directors (two of ...
€ 125,00 'For its time, an unparelleled atlas of a colonial empire, highly praised for its cartographic standard. The maps were drawn by the cartographers of the Topographical Survey at Batavia. In its final stage of preparation, the supervision was with Dr. A.J. Pannekoek' (Koem...
Civilization 5 with all the expansions is still the evening destroyer I'd recommend. I wish the series would reexamine its assumptions about the world and make more radical changes in the future, but for now, Civ 5 is still the standard bearer for turn-based empire building: complex enough ...
Shell’s Heroic Retreat from Renewable Energy: Head of Renewable Generation Bids Farewell to Greedy, Polluting Empire: 3 July 2023 Despicable penny-pinching company with no morals or customer commitment: 29 June 2023 Apsolute rubbish the worst internet provide ever: 28 June 2023 Shell’s Reluctant...
Royal Dutch Shell conspired directly with Hitler, financed the Nazi Party, was anti-Semitic and sold out its own Dutch Jewish employees to the Nazis. Shell had a close relationship with the Nazis during and after the reign of Sir Henri Deterding, an ardent Nazi, and the founder and decades...