Maureen Sondag recently paid a visit to the World Horti Center (WHC) in Westland. She works as Agricultural Affairs Advisor at the Dutch Embassy in Washington DC. During this visit, the booth of Bosman Van Zaal was visited, where Ronaldt Thoen, Sales & Marketing Manager, explained the field...
I love to speak English and combine the best of all languages. Since 2015 I have been self-employed and I mainly do translations for companies in the UK/USA and the Netherlands. I love my work and always try to make the best of it. My spontaneous character is a perfect fit with most...
Bos, Renée Jones1Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bezuidenhoutseweg 67, 2594 AC The Hague, The Netherlands;2Royal Netherlands Embassy, 4200 Linnean Avenue NW, Washington DC, 20008, USA;3Royal Netherlands Embassy, 4200 Linnean Avenue NW, Washington DC, 20008, USARaes, Stephan...
The Dutch embassy network, government, and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency will help you find the information you need. is the official Dutch government website for non-Dutch speaking entrepreneurs and is specially designed to help you do business in the Netherlands and working ...
Oct. 15, 2013 03:59 - Helen Wang Haiying Haynes from Curacao.
“The Ukrainian military has now surrounded Donetsk. They have already begun bombing several suburbs. It could be very bloody when they finally storm the city centre,” Stéphane Siohan, a freelance journalist based in Kiev, told FRANCE 24. ...
Strange company : Chinese settlers, mestizo women and the Dutch in VOC Batavia. Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1986. - 302 p.: [en] (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde; nr. 122) ISBN 90-6765-211-3 ...
This information is unsurprising given the content of leaked secret cables from the US Embassy in Muscat published by WikiLeaks in December 2010, suggesting a degree of hostility or unease towards Shell. The Sultan was at that time considering taking gas fields away from PDO (34% owned by ...
(photo credit: ISRAELI EMBASSY IN THE HAGUE) The Dutch Senate on Tuesday passed a motion calling for the Netherlands to vote against UN resolutions that use only the Arabic name for the Temple Mount, thusdenying Judaism’s connection to its holiest site. ...
中国驻美国大使馆 Embassy of the P.R.C. in USA 中华人民共和国驻纽约总领事馆 Consulate-General of the P.R. China in New York 提供领事保护、侨务工作、护照签证、公证认证、在华旅行等方面的服务。 中华人民共和国驻旧金山总领事馆 Consulate-General of P.R.China in San Francisco 中华人民...