代表作 Last Enchantment 汉克·阿伦:追逐梦想 Rooster 粉丝 暂无 累计票房 暂无 介绍 Dusty Baker was born on June 15, 1949 in Riverside, California, USA as Johnnie B. Baker. He is an actor, known for Sunday Night Baseball (1990), Rooster (1982) and Hank Aaron: Chasing the Dream (1995)....
Dusty Baker正式宣布退休。祝身体健康! [送花花][喵喵]#MLB美职棒大联盟[超话]##mlb美职棒大联盟#
恭喜太空人教头达斯蒂-贝克(Dusty Baker)拿下2000胜俱乐部的门票,成为大联盟史上第12位达成此成就的主教练🎉🎉#MLB# #MLB美职棒大联盟# http://t.cn/A6XyP9D2
Dusty Baker演员 猫眼电影>Dusty Baker 双子座188cm 1949年6月15日出生于美国,加利福尼亚州,河滨 Dusty Baker was born on June 15, 1949 in Riverside, California, USA as Johnnie B. Baker. He is an actor, known for Sunday Night Baseball (1990), Rooster (1982) and Hank Aaron: Chasing the ...
Retired MLB Manager, Astros In Production Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Learn more about contributing Edit page List IMDb's Guide to TV in 2025 See the guide How much have you seen? Keep track of how much of Dusty Baker’s work you have seen.Go to your...
HOUSTON -- Faith, Dusty Baker says, is the soul of humanity. And so he believes. He believes in the perfect guitar riff and the sound of the waves crashing ashore in Kauai. He believes in his family, which has supported him in this grueling career managing baseball teams for three de...
姓名Dusty Baker 职业演员 正在热映 封神第二部:战火西岐 唐探1900 熊出没·重启未来 蛟龙行动 相关影人 换一换 Mike Sci... 合作4次 Yogi Ber... 合作3次 Barry Bo... 合作3次 Tim McCa... 合作3次 Hank Aar... 合作2次 Chris Be... 合作2次 ...
One thing you can say about Astros manager Dusty Baker: He hasn't forgotten his friends in the Braves' organization, a team he played for from 1968-75 and will face in the World Series starting Tuesday night at Minute Maid Park. Baker will tell anybody who will listen about his mentor ...
出生地:美国,加利福尼亚州,河滨 更多外文名:Johnnie B. Baker (本名) IMDb编号:nm0048413 职业:演员 关注0人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 暂无 图片· ···(全部 0 张·上传照片) 最近的5部作品 ··· 收藏人数最多的5部作品 ···
新任总教练:Dust..1988年,Baker作为巨人的一垒教练开始了教练生涯。1989-1992年担任巨人的打击教练,随后在1993年接替Roger Craig成为巨人教头。新官上任第一个赛季Baker便带队103胜,当年