4/7 5/7 6/7 7/7 宗室奕瑞 2023年4月11日 关注 DURSTON KAKWA 分享来自⭐️ UL圈颇受好评的加拿大徒步背包 Durston Kakwa 。 Durston 是这一两年风头正盛的品牌,x-mid系列帐篷的横空出世,也斩获了各项户外大奖!而这次推出的Kakwa 40 55系列背包,也是吸收了个大老牌轻量化品牌背包的优点,可能外观略普...
Durston designs premium ultralight outdoor gear in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. With our award winning X-Mid tents and Kakwa packs, we create highly functional gear that genuinely improves your backcountry experience.