The authors further concluded that this block is triggered by successful gamete fusion, which indicates crosstalk between female gametes and the persisting synergid. The egg cell seems to play a central role in this process, as it seems to be sensing the success of fusion, as secondary pollen ...
Through a process called conjugation, two paramecia line up side by side and then fuse together. ... The two paramecium separate and go on their way in their
Gametes haploid cells containing the parent plant DNA which will fuse to become the offspring, namely that sperm cells and the egg cell. Gametophyte the haploid generation of the life cycle of a diploid flowering plant. It comprises the pollen/pollen tube (male) and the embryo sac within the...
Sperm cells interact with female gametes and become activated by egg cell-secreted small proteins12. The molecular mechanisms by which the male and female gametes recognize each other and the intracellular signalling events that result in synergid cell death, female gamete activation, control of ...
In the unique double fertilization process in flowering plants, both the egg cell and the neighbouring central cell fuse with a sperm cell each. Here we succeeded in imaging cytosolic Ca2 þ in these two cells, and in the two synergid cells that accompany the gametes during semi-in vivo ...
To elucidate the mechanism by which germ cell granules are distributed between daughter cells during mitosis, we analyzed this process during germ cell division in 10 hpf zebrafish embryos. To that end, we labeled germ cell granules using Vasa-DsRed, the nuclear envelope using LaminB2-GFP and ...
Viruses enter host cells via several mechanisms, including endocytosis, macropinocytosis, and phagocytosis. They can also fuse at the plasma membrane and c
On the cell surface, host cell fusion molecules, like ADAMs, could cause the HPIV2 infected host cell membrane to fuse with the neighboring non-infected cells to form syncytia. This strategy might enable fusion of dozens of non-infected cells to a giant multi-nuclear cell which means that ...
gene set (5,969) captures most of theT.gondiigenome, a fifth of the genes represented on the array did not have detectable expression. Some of these non-expressed genes may represent stage specific genes for stages which we do not have expression data, such as the micro- and macrogametes...
similar to that observedin vivo,can be attained by specific levels of cell–cell adhesion and tissue barriers from which cells are reflected. Together, we find that the first step in organ formation relies on the generation of domains in the embryo that are repulsive for cell migration, the ...