In vitro fertilization and ICSI were performed by using standard techniques. Before transfer, embryos were evaluated for cleavage stage and morphology score. Morphology was scored as follows: 1.0, equally sized symmetrical blastomeres; 2.0, unevenly sized blastomeres; 2.1, <10% blastomeric fragmentation...
Despite the advance of assisted reproduction, high rates of failure in treatment are still observed. Herein, we investigated how the psychophysiological stress profiles of patients can modulate the in vitro fertilization treatment (IVF) outcome. The women who had failure in IVF (n = 13; 65%) ...
No difference was found in the protocol used for COH, the mean number of oocytes retrieved, the mean number of oocytes fertilized, or the mean number of embryos transferred. TABLE 2. In vitro fertilization cycle characteristics of the study and control groups. legend, legend VariableGroup 1...
USING OF EPIDIDYMAL SPERMS OF LOCAL IRAQI BUCKS FOR IN VITRO FERTILIZATION Sixty female genital organs of black local Iraqi goats were collected from the abattoir during the breeding season, and transported in a normal saline in a cool box within 30 minutes of slaughter to the Theriogenology lab...
Despite physiological oxygen tension being lower than in atmospheric gas, both in vitromaturation and fertilization are generally conducted under atmospheric oxygen tension (20%). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two different oxygen concentrations (20 and 5%) during in ...
体外受精-胚胎移植(in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer,IVF-ET) :是将不孕症患者夫妇的精子和卵子取出,在体外培养皿的培养液中受精并发育成胚胎后,选取优质胚胎移植入患者的子宫腔内,胚胎发育而诞生婴儿的技术。 生殖器结核导致的输卵管病变为不可逆性疤痕改变,因此,很难用传统治疗方法恢复。而IVF是目前治疗...
Ectopic pregnancy following in vitro fertilization:meta-analysis and single-center experience during 6 years. Muller V,Makhmadalieva M,Kogan I,et al. Gynecological Endocrinology . 2016Muller V,Makhmadalieva M,Kogan I,et al.Ectopic pregnancy following in vitro fertilization:meta-analysis and single...
(d) SEM frontal photomicrograph of a Illex coindetii early paralarva obtained by in vitro fertilization (after Fernández-Álvarez et al.,15), showing the buccal papillae around the mouth. (e) Buccal area of a Todarodes sagittatus late paralarva (individual E7). (f) Buccal area of a ...
DOES A WEB-BASED APP IMPACT QUALITY OF LIFE MEASURES DURING IN VITRO FERTILIZATION?Author links open overlay panelCaitlin Elizabeth Martin MD, MS 1, Michael Lanham MD 2, Courtney A. Marsh MD, MPH 3, Kenan Omurtag MD 1Show more Add to Mendeley Share Cite...
Digyny can also result from the fertilization of diploid giant oocytes. Depending on how maturation of these gametes proceeds, three or only two pronuclei will be observed. Thus, the size of the pronuclear stage must be considered for a successful identification of the abnormality. ...