The cervix may bleed more easily during pregnancy because more blood vessels are developing in this area. It is not uncommon to have spotting or light bleeding after sexual intercourse or after a pap test or pelvic exam. 引起孕早期出血的因素包括: Fac...
Miscarriage.Because miscarriage is most common during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, it tends to be one of the biggest concerns during the first trimester. However, first trimester bleeding doesn't necessarily mean that you’ve miscarried or will miscarry.If a fetal heartbeat is detected by ...
Bleeding during pregnancy may be normal (implantation bleeding) or it may be a sign of a more serious problem. Abnormal vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy is a common problem, complicating 20%-30% of all pregnancies. More serious reasons for bleeding du
The majority of cases of hemorrhage continue to occur in the postpartum period even in those women without identifiable risk factors. This chapter will serve as a review of high yield clinical situations throughout the course of a woman's pregnancy where life-threatening bleeding may be ...
try to relax and stay calm stress does not help the baby , or your body right now . How long have you been preganant ? Sex can also cause this bleeding or spots . More blood flows to your cervix during pregnancy, so it's not unusual to notice spotting after intercourse. But please ...
By Guest | 1 post,last postover a year ago Edin Mesanovic, MDanswered this Reasons For Bleeding During The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy Read more New ReplyFollowNew Topic Guestover a year ago Hi, I have bleeding during pregnancy. It is certainly not usual, but I am even starting to ...
Bleeding gums during pregnancy is not something to worry too much about, but you should take some important steps to control the condition for your own comfort and peace of mind.
But while you're waiting, there's no need to panic. There's a good chance that everything will be fine. And stay off the Internet! It can be a terrifying place when you're pregnant. ByMissDaphne— On Jan 03, 2012 One thing to note about bleeding during early pregnancy is that it...
Your relationship — with your partner & with sex — will change now that you're pregnant. You can still enjoy a healthy sex life & a solid connection during pregnancy
You are experiencing cramping, discharge or vaginal bleeding without a recognised cause The placenta is extremely low in the uterus The cervix has opened prematurely in a previous pregnancy You are expecting multiples Remember that if your medic says “no sex,” you might have to eliminate anything...