This TaPRK plays an important role in regulating the flow of carbon through the Calvin cycle, by catalyzing the final step in the regeneration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate from ribulose-5-phosphate (Ru5P) and ATP. The activities of TaPRK, endogenous or recombinant, are inhibited by daphnetin...
Moreover, when a decrease in the stomatal conductance is combined with sustained irradiance, the leaves are subjected to an excess of incident energy relative to the intercellular availability of CO2 because the reducing power production rate exceeds its consumption rate during the Calvin cycle (...
During the light reactions, energy-rich molecules are created using the energy in sunlight in order to power the Calvin cycle reactions.Answer and Explanation: The energy molecules that are produced during the light reactions to power the Calvin cycle are ATP and ...
The activities of three Calvin cycle enzymes, RuBPc (E.C., 3PGA phosphokinase (E.C. and NADP-G3P dehydrogenase (E.C., and the cytoplasmic enzyme PEPc (E.C. together with soluble protein and chlorophyll were measured in extracts from young toma...
photorespiratory phase the phosphoglycolate produced in the chloroplast through the Calvin cycle is mobilized to the peroxisome in the form of glycolate where is oxidized to glyoxylate in a reaction that yields hydrogen peroxide. Glycine is finally synthesized and transferred to the mitochondrion, ...
rate may decrease due to energy competition between assimilation of DIN and the Calvin cycle [26]. On the other hand, when nutrients in the environment are exhausted, phytoplankton can use dissolved organic nitrogen [25,56], which apparently allows maintaining a relatively high rate of ...
How many molecules of ATP, NADH, and FADH2 are generated in the citric acid cycle as a result of the oxidation of one molecule of pyruvate? If you have three CO2 entering the Calvin cycle, how many turns of the cycle would need to occur to create enough sugar to...
Changes in PRK activity and RNA content during high salt stress. PRK, an enzyme involved in the Calvin cycle, decreased gradually during the course of the high salt stress. After 120 min of recovery, its activity had increased greatly. Moreover, during the high salt stress, there was...
1997). AAs and soluble carbohydrates released from the storage proteins are used for the synthesis of metabolites, building biomass and provide energy during germination. N is a building block of several biomolecules involved in photosynthesis, e.g. chlorophyll and key enzymes in the Calvin cycle,...
As a scaffold protein, CP12 joins the Calvin—Benson cycle enzymes phosphoribulokinase (PRK) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) to form an autoinhibitory supracomplex. Using size-exclusion chromatog-raphy, NTRC from both organisms was shown to control the integrity of this ...