Of note is Regina King’s feature length film directorial debut, an adaptation of “Let the Church Say Amen,” the best-selling novel by Reshonda Tate Billingsley, which stars Naturi Naughton as Rachel Jackson, a wayward preacher’s kid who is struggling to pull her life together. With a...
Of note is Regina King’s feature length film directorial debut, an adaptation of “Let the Church Say Amen,” the best-selling novel by Reshonda Tate Billingsley, which stars Naturi Naughton as Rachel Jackson, a wayward preacher’s kid who ...
Of note is Regina King’s feature length film directorial debut, an adaptation of “Let the Church Say Amen,” the best-selling novel by Reshonda Tate Billingsley, which stars Naturi Naughton as Rachel Jackson, a wayward preacher’s kid who is struggling ...