Arrows point to polar bodies. Scale bars = 5 μm in whole oocyte and embryo projections and 1 µm in panels containing a single magnified bivalent in a, g Full size image HTP-1 S11 and Y8 prevent precocious SCC loss at anaphase I We used mass spectrometry to investigate if ...
Moreover, for NOBOX oogenesis homeobox (NOBOX) expression in mouse embryos, a positive correlation with developmental competence has been found [65]. OES differentially modulate the effect of oxygen tension on the blastocyst transcriptome In this study, the 20% O2 condition was considered as ...
In addition, we demonstrate that RIC8 co-localizes with its interaction partners G伪i1/2:GDP and LGN in meiotic/mitotic spindle, cell cortex and polar bodies of maturing oocytes and zygotes. Downregulation of Ric8 by siRNA leads to interferred translocation of G伪i1/2 to cortical region ...
et al. Polycomb function during oogenesis is required for mouse embryonic development. Genes Dev. 26, 920–932 (2012). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Ito, S. et al. Role of Tet proteins in 5mC to 5hmC conversion, ES-cell self-renewal and inner cell mass specification. ...
Oogenesis Genital ridge Vasa Mouse EG cell Spermatocyte Spermatid Immunocytochemistry Immuno-electron microscopy Translational regulation Gonadal somatic cell ES cell Totipotency Testis Ovary Oocyte Polar granule Germ plasm RNA helicase Human Mammal Pig Horse Cattle Monkey Flying fox Drosophila Follicle Support...
Zebrafish germ cells contain granular-like structures, organized around the cell nucleus. These structures share common features with polar granules in Drosophila, germinal granules in Xenopus and chromatoid bodies in mice germ cells, such as the localiz
After their inclusion in the pole cell and the two pole cell divisions, the polar granules reaggregate into large granules and these subsequently become associated with the nuclear envelope as dense bodies. During the remainder of the life cycle of Miastor until the inception of oogenesis, dense...