This motion occurs preferentially along field lines, since the ‘frozen-in’ condition of the plasma requires an electric field large enough to move all of the plasma along a given field line to create field-perpendicular ion drifts. At high latitudes, magnetic field lines are oriented vertically...
tail last. But the comet's motion has little to do with the tail's streamlined looks. Since solar radiation pushes back the tail, comets always point toward the Sun. As they follow their elongated orbits around the Sun, comets come in headfirst and leave tail first. ...
Despite the large number of similarities between both ionospheres, the presence of an intense global magnetic field at Earth and the lack of one at Mars produces a completely different picture of the interaction of each planet with the solar wind. As will be described in the Section "Planetary...
The northward movement of EAWJ, combined with the enhanced southerly moisture flow from South China, caused more precipitation in North China and eventually to a northwestward shift of the northern boundary of the EASM. The coupled dynamic vegetation module LPJ-GUESS simulated more grassland and ...