Charlemagne's empire was important because, with his reforms, came the Carolingian Renaissance. This renaissance was similar to that of Italy a few... Learn more about this topic: Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire | Definition & Reign from ...
What year did Charlemagne rule the Frankish Empire in Europe? What year did Hezekiah prevail over Sennacherib? How long did Tiberius rule Rome? What year did Hadrian begin to build his famous wall? In what city did Julius Caesar live and rule? What did Lucius Junius Brutus do to Rome? Wha...
that shall they also reap. This was expressly affirmed by our Lord Jesus: "I am come in My Father's name, and ye receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive" (John 5:43). Because they rejected...
functions: as a centerof assistanceto thepoor,39andas a‘restingplace’ of theemperorduringtheadventusceremony, at firstoccasionally(perhapssinceHonorius),40thenas hismainstagebeforeenteringRome,givinghomageto theSenateandthepeople,as practisedby Theodoric,andcontinuedby TotilaandotherkingsuntilCharlemagne....