马来西亚🇲🇾|D10(7)槟城 榴莲莊Durian Tree House 今天也是一放学,接上娃就去开榴莲了!这次我们没去档口,包了4小时车上浮罗背山,准备饱餐一顿!😋 我们去的晚,放学过去到达山顶已经4:00了,想要的葫芦、...
tree of southeastern Asia having edible oval fruit with a hard spiny rind 相似短语 durian treephr. 榴莲树 durian clan榴莲族 榴莲族,是对职场中有一定工作资历,但脾气像榴莲一样又臭又硬,不好相处的群体的称呼。相对初入职场的草莓族来说,榴莲族已经入职多年,工作对于他们来说,也许早已脱离了兴趣爱好,每天...
Define durian tree. durian tree synonyms, durian tree pronunciation, durian tree translation, English dictionary definition of durian tree. Noun 1. durian tree - tree of southeastern Asia having edible oval fruit with a hard spiny rind durian, Durio zibe
1.the edible fruit of a SE Asian tree,Durio zibethinus,of the bombax family, having a prickly rind and nasty-smelling flesh. 2.the tree itself. [1580–90; < Malay] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random Hou...
fruit tree nounhuge fruit native to southeastern Asia 'smelling like Hell and tasting like Heaven' Related Words edible fruit durian durian tree Durio zibethinus durion Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Be ready to pick up durian from the tree yourselves Taste the mouth-watering durian as soon as you pick them Good to know This tour is available every Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday from 8 June 2024 - 11 August 2024. Meet Up Information ...
We take a sightseeing boat trip around the bay and get a glimpse of the smart new opera house which looks exactly like two durians - a very distinctive local fruit that tastes great but has a repellant smell. Even Indonesians acknowledge that prolonged exposure to the smell may have negative...
19. Durian is a fruit that grows from trees in Southeast Asia. The durian tree can grow to be very tall. 榴莲是长在东南亚树木上的一种果实,榴莲树可以长到非常高。 20. Snow Durian, ginkgo tree seems to become a white-haired elderly, day and night to protect my beautiful home - Changhsi...
street getting into your lungs. So far, the only reason why I don’t enjoy wearing them is face-sweating. My face skin has never perspired so much on a short walk to the supermarket. It feels just like I’ve had some sort of a steam facial every time I step out of the house. ...
The House of Risk (HOR) method was used to identify potential risks at various stages of durian cultivation, including planting, maintenance, pre-harvest, harvest, and postharvest, and to recommend proactive mitigation strategies. This case study focuses on Pak Chong GI durian farmer...