Many people like durian fruit(榴莲). Even though they taste sweet,durians smell so bad that they can't be put in public places in some parts of Southeast Asia, where they grow.Once students at an Australian university had to leave the library after workers thought they could smell gas. Bu...
第三条:Spiky fruit(字面意思指外壳带刺的水果,榴莲的外壳坚硬且带刺,故可用此形容)。 说明:Spiky fruit描述的是榴莲外观上的一个显著特征,即其外壳上的尖刺。
“Spiky fruit”是一个形象化的描述,并非官方术语,但可以从外观上描述榴莲。 说明:这个表达不是标准的英文名称,但在描述榴莲的外观特征时可能用到。
Lichee and durian fruit are newer flavors.荔枝和榴莲是较新的口味。 The durian tree can grow to be very tall.榴莲树可以长到非常高。 常用短语 1. durian fruit:榴莲水果 2. durian smell:榴莲气味 3. durian taste:榴莲味道 4. durian texture:榴莲质地 5. durian poison:榴莲毒素 6. durian puff:...
Look at this kind of fruit. It is a durian(榴莲). Sometimes a durian can be as big as a football. The durian has a strong smell and taste. That depends on its special gene(基因).It's said that the durian comes from Malaysia.Now in some countries such as Thailand and China,many ...
—Jack, you bring durian(榴莲)fruit here! I can smell it even far away from the room! —It doesn’t smell ___, but you will love it if you have a taste. Come on! A. bad B. strong C. heavy D. nice 相关知识点: 试题来源...
durian fruit:榴莲果 durian tree:榴莲树 durian season:榴莲季节 durian pulp:榴莲果肉 durian smell:榴莲气味 词根词缀及记忆方法:“durian”本身是一个外来词,没有明确的词根和词缀结构。但可以通过其发音和拼写特点来记忆,同时结合其指代的具体事物——榴莲,来加深印象。 单词造句: I love the unique taste of ...
2.(Cookery) the fruit of this tree, which has an offensive smell but a pleasant taste: supposedly an aphrodisiac [C16: from Malay, fromdurithorn] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007,...
Scene 1 A : Durian is my favorite fruit. I think it tastes very delicious. 榴莲是我最爱吃的水果, 我觉得味道实在是太好了. 来自期刊摘选 10. Once in Djakarta the hosts treadted the guests to a special fruit , the durian. 有一次,在印尼的首都雅加达,主人们向贵宾们献上了一种奇物的食品—...
Durian, tree of the hibiscus, or mallow, family (Malvaceae) and its large edible fruit. Durian is cultivated in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and southern Thailand and is seldom exported. The fruit has a mild sweet flavor and a pungent odor. It i