杜伦主校区有16个学院,分为bailey colleges和hill colleges,还有一个爹不亲娘不爱的bede。其实就是一个住宿单位,学校管你学习,学院管你生活,有穿黑袍的也有不穿黑袍的,说是申请的时候有个preference但也很有可能被分配,像我就是明明到了传统的bailey college却不穿黑袍很怨念。还好朋友邀请我去了uni college的form...
http://www.independent.co.uk/student/into-university/az-uni-colleges/durham-university-of-458918.html. Retrieved 2009-03-14. ^ "Durham University hands out honorary degrees". The Northern Echo. http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/4049800.Jonathan_Edwards_to_receive_honorary_degree/. ...
Durham是个怎样的学校呢?很多国内学生觉得他回国认可度不如曼大这种知名,QS也不够靠前,本身商学院还最先卡211和985list,感觉入读比较吃亏。但这个学校又比较奇特,本身是学院制的,和牛津剑桥一样学院自治,模式而言很高级。在北美以及欧洲还有本土的reputation又比较高,吸引了很多学生入读。不管是old money还是new mone...
The facility is good but can be isolating for international students because there’s a distinct separation between home students and international students. The colleges do matter, it can determine your social life, so choose wisely. I would recommend finding your crowd and ...
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You can change your cookie settings. At any time. Otherwise, we'll assume you're OK to continue. A World Top 100 University. Colleges and Student Experience. Showcasing researc
The university is a member of the New England Board of Higher Education's New England Regional Student Program (NERSP) where New England public universities and colleges offer a number of undergraduate curricula with special considerations to students from other New England states. If an out of ...
A key part of the Durham wider student experience strategy is ensuring all students have the opportunity to spend at least part of their time at university in residence in one of our colleges. We consider it of particular importance for new undergraduate first years to live, work, eat and so...