12.6 is a very good charge for a battery on a parts store shelf. I would be pleased by that. It should be able to charge up quickly on a 2 amp charger. Most 12 volt battery live at that voltage. You'll never see anything higher than 12.6 ---12.7 in a Prius. 2 best ways imh...
USBATTERY蓄电池 US动力蓄电池 V-Force V-Force 铅酸叉车电池 V-Force叉车充电器 V-Force启动电池 V-Force智能充电器 V-Force深循环电池 VARTA蓄电池 VAYA蓄电池 VEGA蓄电池电池 VICTRON ENERGY蓄电池 VOLTECC蓄电池 VOLT蓄电池6CT-135N(3)12B Voltec蓄电池 WILCO/威尔科 WLE蓄电池 WP5-12 WP512 XCell蓄电池...
Duracell Ultra BCI Group Size 75 flooded batteries are designed and engineered with decades of experience by America's most trusted battery brand. The 12-Volt Duracell Ultra SLI75 car and truck battery has 650 Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) to provide reliable power to start your vehicle in any ...
storage and are guaranteed to last up to 10 years or 400 recharges, whichever comes first. With Long-Life Ion Core Technology you get amazing power in every battery, lasting 50% longer per charge*. Plus, they come pre-charged and ready-to-use, and are compatible with any NiMH charger....