A durable power of attorney for health care names a person (often referred to as an “agent”) to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are no longer able to make health care decisions for yourself. This document is also known as a health care proxy or health care power of attor...
7. DESIGNATION OF ALTERNATE AGENTS. (You are not required to designate any alternate agents but you may do so. Any alternate agent you designate will be able to make the same health care decisions as the agent you designated in paragraph 1, above, in the event that agent is unable or in...
How to Get Power of Attorney in Texas How to Get a Durable Power of Attorney in Florida How to Get a Durable Power of Attorney in California Can Power of Attorney Change Beneficiaries on a Bank Account? Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
Agent. a.#SingleAgenttoAct.#Grantorherebymakes,constitutes,andappoints ("Grant")*AGENT1-NAMEresidingat*AGENT-1ADDRESS,asGrantor's trueandlawfulAttorney-in-Factandagent(the"Agent")forGrantorandin Grantor'sname,place,andsteadandforGrantor'sbenefit,oranyalternate appointedinaccordancewiththeprovisionsof...