I have tried to PURGE, AUDIT and -EXPORTTOAUTOCAD, but I still cannot copy and paste. I get an error: "Duplicate definition of block...ignored." Here is a link to the files I want copy and paste on other drawings. I'm stuck, need help! All the best Reply Report Reply Accept...
_pasteclip duplicate definition of block _archtick ignored. duplicate definition of block testblock01 ignored. i have some dwgs that contains many blocks like this. when i copy and patse ,it takes a long time or sometimes the cad shut down. what is worse,it is infectious when i patse ...
I get this error message when trying to copy a layer from one DWG into another: Duplicate definition of block BORDER-C ignored. I have no idea what this...
문제: Advance Steel에서 .SLDASM 파일을 가져올 때 명령행에 다음 메시지가 나타납니다. Duplicate definition of block [...] ignored 원인: 동일한 도면(DWG)에서 이전에 ...
That drawing is full of the DGN linetype bloat. After removing this data, the file size is ±715k. What version of AutoCAD LT are you using? If you do not have the correct patches in place, this bloat will get back in this drawing, and is probably in others that you have....