If you want to delete the identical records automatically we can use a cursor. It is important that while you are declaring the cursor for dublicate rows, you should select the count of identical rows minus one, since we want one of the dublicated records exist in the table after delete ...
AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PastaDishes pd WHERE pd.OriginID IN (15,22)) = 0 To avoid duplicates, the COUNT or records returned by thesubqueryabove should be zero. Note: You can design any query visually in a diagram using theQuery Builder featureof dbForge Studio for SQL Server. Compar...
Select * into #Temp_customers1 from customers1 where 1 = 2 Insert into #Temp_customers1 select * from customers1 Group by Custid,CustName, CustCity, Passport_Number Having count(*) > 1 Now the situation is that the duplicate row is in the local temporary table. All we need to now is...
I tried to create a triangular join with help of the "count of values" column ( n * m / 2). N 56°04'39.16"E 12°55'05.25"Coconut Ten Centuries Points: 1087 More actions October 15, 2008 at 1:27 pm #885443 Unlike (5) Thanks Peso, The new algorithm looks good, but I need...
The columns in theGROUP BY statementare those that are checked for duplicates. In the example I’ve been using, this is the first_name, last_name, and created_date. If I run it as a SELECT COUNT(*) first, I can see the number of rows impacted. ...
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If we wanted to understand how many of our current Facebook friends had the same first name, we could do so by executing the following SQL query: SELECT first_name, COUNT(*) FROM users GROUP BY first_name In order to see how many of these names appear more often than others, you cou...
As mentioned by @jarlh there is no need to useDISTINCTonSELECT, but if you want to count ...
As mentioned by @jarlh there is no need to useDISTINCTonSELECT, but if you want to count ...