public class Student { [SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey =true,IsIdentity =true)] public int Id { get; set; } [SugarColumn(OldColumnName ="Name")] public string StudentName { get; set; } } 4、热更新 5、执行 CodeFirst.InitTables,正常,此时数据库有Id,StudentName 两列 6、执行 CodeFirst.InitTab...
duplicate column name 英文发音:[ˈdjuːplɪkeɪt ˈkɒləm neɪm]中文释义:重复的列名 例句:Duplicate column name resolution could not be done because the ordinal specified a column of a different name.因为序号指定了具有不同名称的列,所...
在这个示例中,我们为department表和student表的dept_id列分别使用了dept_dept_id和student_dept_id作为别名,从而避免了列名冲突。 重新执行查询: 修改完查询语句后,重新执行它以验证是否解决了“duplicate column name 'dept_id'”的错误。 验证结果: 检查查询结果,确保没有出现重复的列名,并且数据正确无误。 按...
INSERTINTOtable(column1,column2,...) VALUES(value1,value2,...) ONDUPLICATEKEYUPDATE column1=value1,column2=value2,...; 示例: 假设你有一个名为students的表,该表有一个唯一键student_id和两个其他列name和age。如果你想要插入一个新的学生记录,但如果student_id已经存在,则更新该学生的name和...
rs->RemoveDuplicates(_bstr_t(L"Name, StudentId"), adCopy, adCriteriaNone); 这样,我们就可以得到一个不含重复学生记录的结果集,以便进行进一步处理。 结论: 本文介绍了如何使用_recordsetptr去除重复值。通过连接到数据库,执行查询语句并使用RemoveDuplicates方法,我们可以轻松地去除重复的数据。无论是处理订单、学...
(12),genderid integer)";//version3publicstaticfinalStringALTER_STUDENT="alter table student add column genderid integer";publicDataBaseOpenHelper(Contextcontext,Stringname,SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactoryfactory,intversion){super(context,name,factory,version);}staticsynchronizedDataBaseOpenHelpergetDBInstance(...
<class name="studentandphonenumbers.Student" table="student"> <id name="student_id" column="student_id" > <generator class="native"/> </id> <property name="name" column="student_name"/> <set name="studentPhoneNumbers" table="student_phone" cascade="all"> <key column="student_id"/...
Select which Duplicate Records to include in the report - Local ID or State ID. Determine which Duplicate Records are included in the report - Name (student last name), Local ID, or State ID. Select the desiredFormatfor the report - PDF, DOCX, CSV, or HTML. ...
INSERT INTO table_name[(column_name[, …])] [VALUES] [(value_list[, …])] ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c1 = v1, c2 = v2, ...; 示例 本文所有示例均基于student_course表,建表语句如下: CREATE TABLE student_course( id bigint, user_id bigint, nc_id varchar, nc_user_id varchar, nc...
Location:Open an assignment > click the arrow next to the Edit button > selectDuplicate Duplicate an assignment or resource to create an exact copy of it. Use theCurriculum Copierto copy multiple items at a time or to copy curriculum between sections or terms. ...