复制 SELECT*FROM`personrequireupdate`aLEFTJOIN(select p.*,o.officeid,o.nameasofficename from person_modifyinf pLEFTJOINoffice o on o.officeid=p.officeid)pONp.personId=a.personIdLEFTJOINpersonrole p2ONa.personId=p2.personidWHEREa.state=0and p.state=0>1060-Duplicate column name'officeid'...
FRM-40509: ORACLE error: unable to UPDATE record. However there is no duplicate column in my database block of form. I checked it many times. This is a custom form. I comented all triggers code but still this error is appearing.
今天写一个报表的view的时候遇到一个错误:ORA-00957: duplicate column name 意思是重复的列名 我的view如下 create or replace view v_rpt_disb_detail as select dano,projectid,U.unitid, DA.applydate,dtype,DA.status, ctno,ctname,ctcg,PJ.count_ccyid, DAI.src_amount As apply_amount, decode((DA...
Apply Navicat Version No.:All Solution Please note that views must have unique column names with no duplicates. By default, the names of the columns retrieved by the SELECT statement are used for the view column names. As your tables in SELECT statement contain some column names which are the...
Named result tables with columns which have not been explicitly named and which do not inherit a column name from the underlying base table implicitly get the column name "EXPRESSION_", where _ stands for a positive integer. A column must not be specified more than once in an INSERT or UPD...
Description:I tried to create a view joining two tables where each table had a column of the same name. Every time I tried to create the view I received the error: MySQL Error Number 1060 Duplicate column name 'T1_id' After I renamed the column on one table, so all columns had unique...
hive 匹配空白 hive duplicate column name 基于impala 3.2版本: 概述: impala 遵循SQL-92标准,但是在内置函数上有了不少自己的扩展。 由于impala和hive共享相同的metastore数据库,并且它们的表经常互换使用。 impala 不支持的Hive的功能: 1.函数: covar_pop, covar_samp, corr, percentile, percentile_approx, ...
Android下使用SQLite数据库,报错:duplicate column name: _id 数据库文件下有两列数据的名称一样,原因是定义数据类型时有重复,如,我的定义: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 //复制上一行增加TYPE数据列,但表的列名未修改完全 publicstaticfinal String NOTE_ID="_id";//ID ...
显示Duplicate column name manage.py@MxOnline > makemigrations users "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2018.1.1\bin\runnerw.exe" D:\CodeFiles\Pycharm\MxOnline\venv\Scripts\python.exe "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2018.1.1\helpers\pycharm\django_manage.py" makemigrations users D:/Code...
dept_name FROM departments INNER JOIN dept_emp WHERE departments.dept_no = dept_emp.dept_no; MySQL throws back the error message: Query 1 ERROR: Column 'dept_no' in field list is ambiguous To fix it, specify the tabledepartmentfor the columndept_no: ...