Manage your money anytime, anywhere with Dupaco’s free Shine Online and Mobile Banking. You can transfer money, pay bills and so much more!
Simply log in to Shine Online or Mobile Banking and select the checking account you'd like to start round-ups from. Click “Actions,” and choose “Activate ChangeUp Savings” to get started. Pro tip: You can set up or stop this feature anytime! Log in to Shine...
Log in to your Shine account to open your money market account. Open my account I'm not a Dupaco member (yet) Sorry, you have to be a member to open a money market account online. But don’t fret! We’re right here to help you get started. Just give us a call at 800-373-760...
Have an active Dupaco checking account4at time of referral and referral payout Not have had a loan delinquent by 60 or more days OR a negative checking account balance for 30 or more days at time of referral payout Refer members through Shine Online or Mobile Banking ...
YourShineOnline and Mobile Banking password also only belongs to you. And Dupaco will not ask for it. We don’t need your two-step verification code The extra security feature helps prevent fraudsters from accessing your account—even if they manage to get your password. ...