全球已有超5500+ 所院校认可,包括美国一流大学。 测试全程仅需 1 小时 简单考前准备 5 分钟 自适应测试 45 分钟 写作和口语样本 10 分钟 针对新时代学生的灵活速考 在家完成测试 1 小时考完 2 天极速出分 分享成绩不限次 ...
明确不接受TOEFL iBT Home edition语言成绩的大学:麦克马斯特大学 接受IELTS Indicator的大学:Mcgill,其他大学没有明确说明 不接受IELTS Indicator的大学有:多伦多大学 申请UBC同学注意: UBC: 除了正常语言考试外,如有以下考试成绩(TOEFL Home Edition, IELTS Indicator, Duolingo English Test, or other) 可以提交给UBC,...
NH-NewHamptonSchool新汉普顿中学 疫情期间学校可以接受Duolingo测试成绩作为语言成绩来评估,但是仍然需要学生提供TOEFL成绩. 邮件原文: WeareawareofthereschedulingofTOEFLasaresulttheCoronavirus.WewillacceptDuolingoinadditiontotheTOEFLasitwillgiveusanindicationofcomparablescore,however,wewillstillneedtheTOEFLtestingaswell. ...
Some students ask Is Duolingo English test hard. The answer for it is if you prepare well then off course it is easy. The Duolingo English Test evaluates the real-world English language ability. You must prepare thoroughly to get the maximum score needed to get admission in the institution....
Duolingo English Test(DET)是在线语言学习网站多邻国提供的一种语言测试,采用的是远程监考方式,考试使用带前置摄像头的电脑or手机,在家中即可参加,考试时全程录像。 其实DET并不能算是第三方面试,而是作为一种英语语言能力的证明(测试过程中有面试题目)。
Respond to a question in writing The test is primarily computer scored; however, a human reviewer will watch a recording of your test after you’ve completed it. Once you’ve completed the test, you’ll receive a score ranging from 10-160 within 48 hours, as well as...
3 Steps International College Students Should Take Before Coming to Campus “It tailors the difficulty of questions to the test-taker's skill level and also allows more flexibility compared to other tests' fixed format,” Zhu says. “Although I've only taken a TOEFL practice test rat...
English Proficiency is not owned by or in any way affiliated with the institutions that handle the official Duolingo English Test, TOEIC®, TOEFL iBT®, IELTS, TOEFL ITP®, Cambridge C2, C1 Advanced, or any other English language proficiency exams listed or discussed on our website. We ...
Our online mock test platform will help you prepare for your English language exam with detailed feedback and instant AI scoring. Practice, Score & Fly with Gurully! PTE Ielts Duolingo Celpip TOEFL Coming Soon OET Coming Soon Choose Your Exam Gurully offers a full-length English language mo...
• Add your score to LinkedIn with one click. Duolingo is a top certification on LinkedIn among professionals. • Duolingo scores are correlated with other major assessments like the TOEFL and IELTS, which can cost up to US $250. The Duolingo English Test costs only US $49. ...