课程量身定制 结合AI 和语言科学研究的精髓,多邻国课程会根据每个人的语言水平和学习步伐,提供最适合的个性化学习体验!
English for Spanish speakers is Duolingo’s most popular course, followed by Spanish for English speakers How many Duolingo users pay for premium? Less than three percent of Duolingo users subscribe to its premium offering (BBC) How many schools use Duolingo?
It's extremely well designed for on-the-go learning, thanks to short lessons and a simple user interface. Duolingo is designed for English speakers to learn more than 35 languages, including German, Spanish, English, Italian, French, Chinese and more. This free language app works well on ...
In this article, we will cover different Duolingo alternatives for Spanish language learning at all levels. We will focus on apps, online courses, websites, and YouTube channels. First, we will give you a general idea of how they work and what they can do for you. Then, we will highli...
In October 2023, Duolingo released math and music courses in English and Spanish for iOS users.[54][55] 【参考译文】2022年8月,Duolingo对其界面进行了重大更新,改变了原有的树状课程结构——用户在完成先前的课程后可以选择一系列课程——改为线性进度。这一更新受到了社交媒体如Reddit和Twitter上用户的批评...
• Spanish for English speakers (50M learners) • French for English speakers (30M learners) Our fastest growing language courses are: • English for French speakers (8M learners) • German for French speakers (100K learners) • It's free. Learning a language and improving your skills...
Our new study shows great results for learning:Learners who completed the first sections of our intermediate content had reading and listening scores comparable to 5 semesters of university classes! Who were the learners?We tested 273 learners in our Spanish course for English speakers who hadn't ...
True stories for English speakers learning Spanish. From the makers of Duolingo, the most popular language-learning app, comes a new podcast that delivers fascinating real-life stories in easy-to-understand Spanish with English narration. These are not language lessons; they’re life lessons through...
Answer: English for Spanish speakers is Duolingo’s most popular course, followed by Spanish for English speakers Question: How many Duolingo users pay for premiums? Answer: Less than 3% of Duolingo users subscribe to its premium offering (BBC) Question: How many schools use Duolingo? Answer: ...