2014年,在免费英语软件的基础上,Duolingo开发了一个全新的英语测试软件---多邻国英语测试(Duolingo English Test,简称DET),仅一年多的时间就得到了众多认可,如耶鲁大学、达特茅斯学院、加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(简称UCLA)等名校已把Duolingo的语言成绩纳入考量标准,其次很多雇主(如Uber)和机构(如哥伦比亚政府)也开始承认...
考生可通过Duolingo网站和移动应用软件,了解Duolingo English Test 测试结果。可直接使用证书的唯一 URL分享证书,也可使用在证书下面显示的 LinkedIn 和学校分享按钮分享证书。 方法1:电脑媒介——收到结果后,可以登录自己的帐户,转到“Share”(分享)按钮,从列出的多...
Business ensures we're growing at a high level, while also overseeingDuolingo English Testand our Assessment team. The People team finds, unites, champions, and inspires mission-driven Duos, enabling all of us to do the most meaningful work of our careers. ...
Business ensures we're growing at a high level, while also overseeingDuolingo English Testand our Assessment team. The People team finds, unites, champions, and inspires mission-driven Duos, enabling all of us to do the most meaningful work of our careers. ...
• The Duolingo English Test is trusted by leading institutions around the world, including Harvard, Uber, and the Government of Colombia. • Add your score to LinkedIn with one click. Duolingo is a top certification on LinkedIn among professionals. ...
Business ensures we're growing at a high level, while also overseeingDuolingo English Testand our Assessment team. The People team finds, unites, champions, and inspires mission-driven Duos, enabling all of us to do the most meaningful work of our careers. ...
• Add your score to LinkedIn with one click. Duolingo is a top certification on LinkedIn among professionals.• Duolingo scores are correlated with other major assessments like the TOEFL and IELTS, which can cost up to US $250. The Duolingo English Test costs only US $49.Discover your ...
在Duolingo出现之前,学习一门新语言存在一个巨大的成本障碍。像Rosetta Stone和Open English这样的软件虽然能让全世界各地的用户在自己家里就能学习超过30种语言。但问题是,即使是最基础的语言学习课程,用户也需要支付至少几百美元的费用。Rosetta Stone 2009年的定价页面 通CD或订阅的方式销售价格高达数百甚至数千...
的标准,自由职业市场oDesk和LinkedIn支持在用户简历界面显示其Duolingo语言测试成绩,而且随着使用人数的增长,这一进程也会被加快;其次是通过研究,将Duolingo的测试成绩和TOFEL成绩联系起来,详见University of Pittsburgh 的 Feifei Ye, PhD 在《Validity, reliability, and concordance of the Duolingo English Test》的研究...
Get recognized for your English fluency: Take the Duolingo English Test and get an official score that can be added to your résumé, or shared on your LinkedIn profile with a single click. Pick the best test for you: • Practice Test (FREE): Take a 20-minute quick test to understand...