The DuoMAG TMS Toolbox provides a method of controlling your DuoMAG TMS system directly from MATLAB®, without the need to change parameters on the system's own interface. This makes integration with other devices, techniques, and experimental conditions easier to achieve. For example, measuremen...
Toolbox for Beaver Builder 是開源軟體。目前最新版為 v1.1.5 ,超過 800 個站點正在使用,已透過 WordPress 6.4.5 相容測試。 開發商:Jack Krielen 標籤:beaver,beaver builder,beaver builder permalink,beaver title,page title, 中文翻譯 若缺少中文,也可免費下載此外掛漢化語言包...
DuoDIC is an open-source MATLAB toolbox by Dana Solav's research group at Technion for three-dimensional (stereo) Digital Image Correlation (3D-DIC) using two cameras. For multi-view (3 cameras or more), please visit our MultiDIC toolbox. 3D-DIC is an important technique for measuring ...
另外,RAKwireless还推出了一个新工具WisToolBox,可以将其应用在手机或PC上配置物联网设备。WisToolBox主要管理设备固件和连接设置,用户可以通过它向设备发送AT命令。 WisToolBox配置的Wisduo模块 有关软件更新的更多详细信息,你们可以参考他们的博客文章。 有关Wisduo和WisBlock模块最新的信息和购买链接,则可以在他们的...
Coca is a toolbox which is design for legacy system refactoring and analysis, includes call graph, concept analysis, api tree, design patterns suggest. Coca 是一个用于系统重构、系统迁移和系统分析的瑞士军刀。它可以分析代码中的测试坏味道、模块化分析、行数统计、分析调用与依赖、Git 分析以及自动化...
aThe optimization was performed on a personal computer with Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T5450 of 1.66 and 1.33 GHz and 2.00 GB of RAM using the multiobjective genetic algorithm toolbox gamultiobj solver in MATLAB which is based on NSGA-II. To use the gamultiobj MATLAB toolbox, some parameters ...
DeepLearnToolbox单隐藏层NN的优化策略:mini-Batch SGD function[nn,L]=nntrain(nn,train_x,train_y,opts,val_x,val_y) %NNTRAIN trains a neural net %[nn,L]=nnff(nn,x,y,opts)trains the neural network nnwithinput xand %output yforopts.numepochs epochs,withminibatches of size ...