Changes to the text of theDuo Mobile activation email or SMS messages Changes to theSMS message prefix If you require telephony or customized email and SMS messaging as part of your Duo evaluation or subscription, please contact your Duo sales executive orDuo Support. ...
Generate a Duo Mobile activation code. This method will fail if the phone's type or platform are Unknown. Requires "Grant write resource" API permission. POST /admin/v1/phones/[phone_id]/activation_url Parameters Parameter Required? Description valid_secs Optional The number of seconds this...
Activate Duo Mobile Phone Note: Ensure to have Duo Mobile installed on the end-user device: Manual installation of Duo application for iOS devices Manual installation of Duo application for Android devices Step 8. Generate Duo Mobile Activation code. Duo Activation ...
Issue with Duo Push and Code with Duo Mobile App Reset Multi-factor Authentication for my Cisco Account Duo Mobile App Backup/restore 3rd party codes reinstalling same device Duo Mobile App Accounts on DUO Mobile have the same user email address on all devices Duo Mobile App ...
7. 導航到電話部分並按一下啟用Duo Mobile. 8. 按一下Generate Duo Mobile Activation Code. 9. 選擇Email以透過電子郵件接收說明,鍵入您的電子郵件地址並按一下Send Instructions by email. 10. 您會收到一封附有說明的電子郵件,如圖所示. 11. 從流動裝置打開Duo Mobile App,然後按一下Add,然後選擇Use...
Activation link expire even though it’s freshly requested. 😑 开发人员回复, Hi michimcchicken, sorry to hear you are having trouble setting up your account. What type of account are you adding to Duo Mobile? For third-party accounts like Instagram, we recommend setting up 2FA from the acc...
Once you have Duo Mobile installed click Next. Open the Duo Mobile app on your phone or tablet and add this account by scanning the QR code shown on-screen. If you aren't able to scan the QR code, tap Get an activation link instead and then enter your email address to send the ...
Duo Mobile running on my iOS 8 device always gives ‘Account Error Invalid request parameters’ when I try to add a new account. If I use the ‘Email me an activation link instead’ feature, Duo Mobile gives me ‘Activation Failed The activation code was invalid or has expired. Please con...
2. Account Activation: - Check your email for the activation link sent by Duo during the enrollment process. - Click on the activation link to activate and link your Duo Mobile account. - Grant access to your camera when prompted to scan QR codes for easy account activation. ...