📲 首先,下载并安装Duo Mobile应用,你可以在App Store(iOS)或Play Store(Android)中找到它。💻 接着,访问网站,使用你的电子邮件地址和OnePass密码登录。🛡️ 在页面中央,你会看到“Protect Your CUHK Account”的提示,点击“Start setup”开始设置。📱 选择设备类型(即使你使用的是智能手机,也选择Tablet),...
激活Duo App📱 选择“active”后,你会收到一个二维码,使用手机上已经下载好的Duo Mobile应用扫码。 返回个人数据页面📊 扫码后,返回“personal data”页面,选择“complete claiming”。 完成设置🎉 完成所有步骤后,你将看到“Account Setup Complete”的提示。通过以上步骤,你可以顺利重新登录Duo App,确保账户安全。
Click Start setup to initiate the DUO Account setup. Recommended before registration: Download Duo MFA for Android or iOS. Duo Mobile for Android Duo Mobile for iOS Select which type of device being used, scroll down and click Submit / Continue. Enter the phone number as indicated in ...
在“ProtectyourUniversityofMassachusettsAmherstAccount”页面上单击“Start Setup”。 步骤5: 选择拟用于注册Duo服务的设备类型然后单击“Continue”。 步骤5a: 如您注册的设备为移动电话: 1.输入该移动电话的号码。 2.选中复选框以确认电话号码然后单击“Continue”。
点击进入链接,选择你所在的学段➡️再次登录IT account manager➡️Login➡️选择2-factor(DUO)➡️点击下方的Start setup按钮,开始设置。这里有个小建议:建议大家选择手机进行设置,因为每次在电脑或者学校里登录系统都需要DUO进行认证,手机会更方便一些。接下来选择你的手机系统,我本人是苹果系统,直接到应...
When using the Mobile phone option, you will be presented with a screen requesting the phone number of the mobile phone you would like to register to your account. You will need to enter the complete phone number and check a box confirming that the number is correct. Then click theContinue...
Used when you have to resynch your mobile device using Duo Mobile to your Duo account. This may be necessary in instances where you have uninstalled and reinstalled the app, upgraded your device or in rare instances the application loses its connection to your account. In this case you will...
输入个人信息后,点击 “Start setup”, 系统会给予四种双重加密方法,按自己的喜好选择,系统推荐选手机号码 (Mobile Phones),也就是第一个选项。 4th 输入自己的手机号后,选择手机的型号。之后需要在应用市场下载一个 “Duo Mobile” 的软件。软件下载完成后,点击 “I have Duo mobile installed”. ...