这是第一个自地牢更新放出以来第一个大的补丁! 概要: 期待已久的第四层已开放! 对法术武器、法力恢复机制的大改。 激怒系统的更改。 一些小更新。 第四层: 现已开放!更多内容: 新的Boss:Thorn。 新的Boss掉落。 新的怪物和怪物掉落。 新的秘密宝箱奖励。 加入了Ice Essence 寒冰精粹。 加入了采用新的特殊...
那啥是healer mage呢,很简答,字面意思,就是穿着法师套装的奶妈,在前两天的hypixel的更新,他们为了奶妈增加了一个新的被动,《Orbies》,这是个啥玩意?,就这么跟你说,当你在地牢击杀任何一个生物的时候,他会有15%的概率给你生成一个宝珠,持续一分钟的存在时间,当你拾起时会给你血量回复和20%的属性加成,宝珠有...
A mod designed to help hypixel skyblock dungeons players find secrets and solve puzzles. Also comes with lots of QOL Features - Dungeons-Guide/Skyblock-Dungeons-Guide
Thanks to DJtheRedstoner for various bug/performance fixes. Also, thanks to the Room Contributors in the Discord, especially Abd#5832 and Fawless#9843, for submitting rooms.About A 1.8.9 Minecraft Forge Mod for Hypixel Skyblock which adds Secret Waypoints to Dungeons quantizr.github.io ...
152821 hypixel吧 mimiwuº [Skyblock] 模组介绍&推荐如题。分为注意事项,优化类模组,SkyBlock模组,以及杂项类模组。废话不多说,开始码字 分享78 minecraft吧 Box_F18 【B伪娘】铁活板门~Minecraft snapshot 14w07a-每周快照Hi,我是B菌,这次继续更新每周快照,重要的自己翻译,其他的Google 我们还是一直努力在筹备...
[Person 2] : My chest has the reward. 假 [Person 3] : Both of them are telling the truth. Also, [Person 1] has the reward in their chest. 真 3 ———转载于Hypixel Skyblock萌新群文件 Hypixel Skyblock萌新交流群群号:915446497 Skyblock专栏带佬:平平无奇袁某人...
/room dsg - Directly opens DSG in the Discord client. /room sbp - Directly opens the SBP secrets (if you have the mod installed). Credits: Big thanks to the respective authors of Danker's Skyblock Mod, Skytils, and NEU for various pieces of code used in this mod. Thanks to DJtheRed...
The most intelligent Hypixel Skyblock Dungeons Mod. Official Support Discord Join Our Discord! Features Solvers F7 Terminal Solvers (Shows the correct solution/order.) Creeper Solver (Shows what sea lanterns to hit.) Simon Says Solver (Shows correct buttons to hit.) Blaze Room Solver (Shows what...
/room dsg - Directly opens DSG in the Discord client. /room sbp - Directly opens the SBP secrets (if you have the mod installed). Credits: Big thanks to the respective authors of Danker's Skyblock Mod, Skytils, and NEU for various pieces of code used in this mod. Thanks to DJtheRed...