Set in a world filled with sorcerers, shapeshifters, and dragons, Honor Among Thieves follows Edgin, a thief who escapes from prison with his fellow thief Holga. The two then search for Edgin’s daughter, Kira, but after finding out she’s been lied to about why her father was sent to...
A public service announcement: There have been very few movies of 2023 more purely fun thanDungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. And if you missed the film in theaters, you can now watch it at home on streaming. This is the second big-screen movie (well now it’s a small-screen mo...
As far as openings go,Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves’ effectively establishes the tongue-in-cheek, lighthearted tone that separates it from so many of the other, suffocatingly serious Hollywood blockbusters moviegoers see nowadays. However, while Goldstein and Daley’s ability to seamlessl...
A public service announcement: There have been very few movies of 2023 more purely fun thanDungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. And if you missed the film in theaters, you can now watch it at home on streaming. This is the second big-screen movie (well now it’s a small-screen mo...