TheFalse Face Societyfigure depicts a member of theHaudenosauneehealer tradition. Wearing a fearsome carved and painted wooden mask and carrying a turtle shell rattle, a member of the society would make rounds twice a year to chase away evil spirits and disease from a village. Masks came in a...
The Demise of Dungeons and Dragons was caused by TSR and the second edition. I don't think so, I know so. I used to work in a gaming store, at the time we had one store in Montreal, one in Quebec and one virtual store on the net. AD&D sales had been steadily decreasing for ...
by Wizards,Dungeons and Dragons, and D&D Beyond often invoke the community, while often simultaneously diminishing their own role in shaping that community. Wizards of the Coast (WotC) is actively and aggressively working towards, not just strengtheningDungeons and Dragonsas a brand, but more import...