There is very little good I can say about this movie. Acting on the whole is either very bad or too over the top (I?m looking at you Irons.) I will compliment the movie for at least trying to capture the Dungeon & Dragons atmosphere and lore, and to be fair some of the creature...
1.Subway赛百味那集 (那集有一堆《1984》的参考,而且那本书是我第二喜欢的书,第一是百年孤独) 2.Modern Warfare第一季的那集彩蛋,Britta耍美人计~~~ 3.For a few more paintballs第二季彩蛋的第二集 4.A fistfull of paintballs第二季彩蛋第一集 5.Dungeons and Dragons龙与地下城,Fat Neil!!! 这是...