Greatest Hits 2009: Taking The Dungeon Out Of Dungeons And Dragons You’ve raised a good point. I think it’s all about doing what the group thinks will be the most fun. I’d encourage groups to try a skill challenge in place of the dungeon crawl, but if they don’t like it then ...
Maybe you've been playing for a while and finally want to take a peek behind the screen. Maybe you and your friends are all new to Dungeons & Dragons, and you've decided to take the reins. Regardless, if you're finding yourself about to sit down to run your first D&D games as DM...
The PCs discovered what had happened, and they managed to sneak back inside the base and ambush the ambushers. In all, there were thirteen enemy soldiers inside the base. The PCs managed to split them up into several groups and used silence and other tactics to defeat these groups one-by-...
Dungeon Master for hire. Play the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game for team building, corporate events, parties and more. Serving Charlotte, NC.
Dozens of dungeons ready to play without preparation... Dungeon Delve (TM) is designed for groups looking for an exciting night of monster-slaying without the prep time. It contains dozens of self-contained easy-to-run mini-dungeons, or "delves," each one crafted for a few hours of game...
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Player’s Handbook Errata (Official) June 15, 2015 Wow guys, long vacation but I’m back now and ready to dig into some D&D 5E, which is a really thrilling and exciting version of everyone’s favorite roleplaying game! Thelist of errata for the Player’s...
Last week we only had the three players in Group A so they explored the Whorlstone Tunnels while Group B stayed by the entrance waiting for Droki. When we started this week the party was still divided into two groups. Continue reading“D&D Encounters: Out of the Abyss (Session 4.7)” ...
and guides to mastering the art of storytelling in Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop RPGs. Whether you're searching for advice on how to be a better DM, need valuable resources, or want to refine your role-playing game management, we've got you covered with expert insights and practica...
13* The supplement also gives some incorrect info. For example, It identifies the quest-giver **Verity Kye** as a human instead of a tiefling. I found much more useful advice and resources from a free online article by **Hipsters & Dragons**. I can't include the link here, but sear...
Opium-smokers are favorite subjects of amusement, while miraculous jinn and bellowing dragons especially delight the children in the audience. ArabLit tells us that in one of these plays, ‘Elegy for Satan’, “philandering bums stand around the pyres of burning hashish, shedding tears to try ...