The introduction of domestic stock to Australia created a huge dung pollution problem because native dung beetles were unable to dispose of it. Introduced dung beetles from Europe and southern Africa have partially solved this problem but there is much more to be done Dung down under: dung beetle...
Species richness of dung beetles (Scarabaeidae) in south-western AustraliaRidsdillSmith, T JHall, G P
Australia’s native dung beetles are scrub and woodland dwellers, specializing in coarse marsupial droppings and avoiding the soft cattle dung in which bush flies and buffalo flies breed. 问题 句子分析(俗称“长难句分析”)是训练提高基础阅读能力的有效手段。我们通过对托福(TOEFL)、雅思(IELTS)、GRE、...
These practices consist in the therapeutic use of elephant urine and faeces including the fecal material found in the brood chambers that beetles fashion from the elephant dung. We will place these uses in perspective with the other similar uses of animal excreta presented in Additional file 1: ...
Dung beetle, (subfamily Scarabaeinae), any of a group of beetles in the family Scarabaeidae (insect order Coleoptera) that forms manure into a ball using its scooperlike head and paddle-shaped antennae. In some species the ball of manure can be as large
in the brood chambers that beetles fashion from the elephant dung. We will place these uses in perspective with the other similar uses of animal excreta presented in Additional file1: URs of animals excreta and discuss their therapeutic potential in the light of the mahouts’ own justifications ...
(2007) Introduced dung beetles in Australia 1967- 2007. Current status and future directions. The Orica Com- munity Fundation, Melbourne.Edwards, P. 2007. Introduced dung beetles in Australia 1967-2007: current status and future directions. - Dung Beetles for Landcare Farming Committee....
doi:10.1016/j.baae.2017.09.008DoubeBernard M.Basic and Applied EcologyDoube, B. (2017) Ecosystem services provided by dung beetles in Australia. Basic and Applied Ecology (this issue).
A. Kirk.Selecting dung beetles [Scarabaeinae] from spain for bushfly control in south-western Australia[J]. Entomophaga .1985(3)Ridsdill-Smith, T. J . & Kirk, A. A. - 1985. Selecting dung beetles [Scarabaeinae] from Spain for bush- fly control in south western Australia.- Entomo...
Ecosystem servicesHerbivoresGrasslandsAlthough there are nearly 500 species of native duDoubeDungBernardDungM.DungBasic and Applied EcologyDoube, B. (2017) Ecosystem services provided by dung beetles in Australia. Basic and Applied Ecology (this issue)....