游戏名称:沙丘:香料战争 游戏版本:v0.1.19.14499 英文名称:Dune: Spice Wars 游戏类型:即时战略RTS 游戏制作:Shiro Games 游戏发行:Funcom,Shir…
Control the spice, control the universe! DUNE: Spice Wars is a 4X real-time strategy game from Funcom and Shiro Games, based on Frank Herbert’s legendary DUNE. Now Available in Early Access. Wishlist it today on Steam and learn more on
Control the spice, control the universe! DUNE: Spice Wars is a 4X real-time strategy game from Funcom and Shiro Games, based on Frank Herbert’s legendary DUNE. Now Available in Early Access. Wishlist it today on Steam and learn more on
eure Truppen und Spice-Ernter an kolossale Sandwürmer zu verlieren, die aus den Dünen hervorbrechen, um sie mit Haut und Haar zu verschlingen. Vernichtet eure Gegner im Kampf, zwingt sie durch politische Intrigen in die Knie und untergrabt ihre Bemühungen mit eurem Netzwerk verstohl...
英文名稱:Dune: Spice Wars 遊戲類型:即時戰略RTS 遊戲制作:Shiro Games 遊戲發行:Funcom,Shiro Games 遊戲平台:PC 遊戲語言:英文,其他,中文 發售日期:2022-04-26 《沙丘:香料戰争》是一款4X元素和即時戰略相結合的遊戲,由《Northgard》開發商制作。遊戲背景設定在弗蘭克·赫伯特的沙丘宇宙中,玩家要帶領自己的派系,...
英文名称:Dune: Spice Wars 游戏类型:即时战略RTS 游戏制作:Shiro Games 游戏发行:Funcom,Shiro Games 游戏平台:PC 游戏语言:英文,其他,中文 发售日期:2022-04-26 游戏介绍: 这是一款具有4X元素的即时战略游戏,由广受好评的《Northgard》的开发商制作。游戏背景设置在由弗兰克·赫伯特打造的创新沙丘宇宙,玩家需要引...
Dune: Spice Wars - House Vernius of Ix ¥88.00 用户也喜欢 全部显示 DOOM 64 ¥20.00 Stellaris - Galaxy Edition ¥354.00+ Total War: Warhammer I & II Double Pack ¥536.00+ Total War: Warhammer II ¥268.00+ Aliens: Fireteam Elite ¥199.00+ 夺宝奇兵:古老之圈 ¥349.00¥279.20...
Control the spice, control the universe. This is your desert, your Dune. Lead your faction and battle for control and dominance over the harsh desert planet of Arrakis. Spice is the most valuable resource in the universe. The spice extends life, expands consciousness, and makes interstellar tra...
英文名称:Dune: Spice Wars 游戏类型:策略类(SLG)游戏 游戏制作:Shiro Games 游戏发行:Funcom/Shiro...