Dune-field age estimates are found from a literature review38,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69 and summarized in Table S2. These data are a subset of the INQUA Dune Atlas. Methods of estimation are from geochemical and optical dating techniq...
This is Valya’s greatest fear, as summarized by Desmond: “Not that someone won’t hear you; it’s that they’ll hear you and just won’t care.” I’m not a big fan of characters explicitly stating themes like that (see above re: Keiran pontificating about his purpose) — but I ...
that region; this can happen if they have a higher breakdown voltage, hence a lower gain at the same bias voltage. The results obtained with the MiB setup are summarized in Table6. Table 6 Results for the absolute efficiency (\(\mathrm \epsilon _ {MiB}\)(%)) ...
Book Highlight Parser Wrote program to scan books, extracting only highlighted text, and build summarized reports of key information. (Personal project.) RedStream Technologies Senior Frontend Developer Built custom interactive solutions for McKinsey & Company's public-facing website, streamlined their b...
Contingency tables, also known as confusion matrices, can be further summarized using the normalized mutual information (NMI). The NMI is defined thus, NMI(P1,P2)=2×(H(P2)−H(P2|P1))H(P1)+H(P2), (1) where H is the entropy function (see the “Supplementary Methods, NMI” sectio...
lugdunensis is summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Characteristics of cats colonized with S. lugdunensis and isolate origin site. Full size table The prevalence of S. lugdunensis in cats from Wrocław city area was 0.77% [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.02–1.51%] in healthy cats and 1.23%...
This is Valya’s greatest fear, as summarized by Desmond: “Not that someone won’t hear you; it’s that they’ll hear you and just won’t care.” I’m not a big fan of characters explicitly stating themes like that (see above re: Keiran pontificating about his purpose) — but I ...
5.0 1 review Joshua B 20 contributions 0 It can't be summarized in a few words This experience was absolutely extraordinary—words truly can't capture how remarkable it was! From the moment we hopped into the jeep, we were taken on an exhilarating ride up and down...
The conclusions of our numerical simulations can be summarized as follows: Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by NASA MDAP Grant NNX10AQ35G, by FUNCAP, CAPES and CNPq (Brazilian agencies), by FUNCAP Grant 0011-00204.01.00/09, by Swiss National Foundation Grant NF 20021-116050/1 ...
The results regarding the environmental effects on cover, richness, beta diversity and plant assemblages are summarized in Table 1 and visualized in Figure 2 (cover, richness and beta diversity) and Figure 3 (plant assemblages). Table 1. Estimates and significance levels when comparing vegetation co...