1 0 2 24 Jack_Fury slot gacor React Reply 6 days Spam remystg I still really need to reread the book and rewatch the first film, and I'm sure when I watch the second, I'll remember Christopher Walken just as much as the emperor as I do "More cowbell!" And I could make ...
The show had been on the air for 20 years, and a battle was raging over whether it was going to be dark and grown-up and edgy now its audience was growing up, or be a kids’ show forever. And one of the definitive strikes in that battle was “Earthshock”, where the show killed...
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince《哈利波特与混血王子》是英国作家J.K.罗琳创作的长篇小说,是《哈利波特》系列的第六部。主要讲述了主人公哈利波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校第六年学习时发生的故事。本书获得2007年英国国家图书奖。 推荐理由:1.英文原版,原汁原味的英式英语让你尽享神奇的“魔法”盛宴; 2.电影《...
Review“I’ve yet to meet a ten-year-old who hasn’t been entranced by its witty, complex plot and the character of the eponymous Harry.” —Independent“Spellbinding, enchanting, bewitching stuff.” —Mirror“Teachers say a chapter can silence the most rowdy of classes.” —Guardian“One ...
Do you think you would survive the spice? I have to be honest, I have never seen the original Dune. Shout-out to our local Yakima connection. Did you know that Kyle MacLachlan, the star of the original, was born in Yakima, Washington?
https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/aug/11/women-equal-to-men-science-fact-book-angela-saini https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/reviews/inferior-angela-saini-book-review-sexism-women-men-a7752206.html https://www.ft.com/content/fa975b24-54e2-11e7-80b6-9bfa4c1f8...