dunch 1 of 3 transitive verb ˈdənch, ˈdu̇nch -ed/-ing/-es dialectal, chiefly British :to nudge or bump especially with the elbow dunch 2 of 3 noun ˈdənch plural-es chiefly Scottish :blow,push dunch 3 of 3 adjective ...
My lastdunches原文及翻译 原文: MyLast Duchess Ferrara: That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive. I call That piece a wonder, now; Fra Pandolf’s hands Worked busily a day, and there she stands. Will’t please you sit and look at her? I said “...
电影《大叔》里的小女孩真的走了 25岁韩星金赛纶去世 元斌灵堂悼念时落泪 关注 赞 评论 春天来了,屋檐下的小麻雀懒洋洋的真惬意 #鹊刀门传奇2 已经开始二刷啦!#鹊刀门传奇2涨分至8分 哪吒2有镜头改了30多遍 : 预估半年做完,结果花了快2年,设计师都崩溃了 玩房车的花销够吗 退休工资够花吗#房车旅行 #...