Raya Dunayevskaya in her foresight posits that the resistances of Black masses are pivotal to a new and revolutionary humanism. This chapter is devoted to exploring Dunayevskaya's concept of Black masses as vanguard as relates to our current political moment. Through her astute analysis of the ...
1) Raya Dunayevskaya 杜娜叶夫斯卡娅 1. From Revolution of Philosophy to Philosophy of Revolution——An essay onRaya Dunayevskayareconstructing Marxism upon the original foundation of Marx; 从哲学革命到革命哲学——评杜娜叶夫斯卡娅“在马克思的原始基础上重建马克思主义” ...
网络杜娜叶夫斯卡娅;杜娜耶夫斯卡娅 网络释义
< National Editorial Board of News_ Letters_ Raya Dunayevskaya - American Civilization on Trial (4th Edition)-Marxist Internet Arc搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
Raya Dunayevskaya: Great Socialist Humanist Who Lived Her Philosophy All Her LifeMihailo Marković
Dunayevskaya consistently pointed to the need to uproot all oppressive relations that exist under capitalism in order to build a new society that is truly inclusive of all. This significantly expands on Marx's notion of the revolutionary subject that is both an activist and a theorist. I argue...
doi:10.1080/21598282.2019.1585274Eugene GogolRoutledge
Dunayevskaya's own plunge into Hegel's Absolutes—Absolute Negativity as New Beginning—is presented. The various dimensions of Dunayevskaya's Marxist-Humanism are seen in the context of her as a practicing revolutionary in the United States, aligning with multiple subjects of revolution: workers...
Raya Dunayevskaya, 77; lecturer, writer was once Trotsky secretaryBob Herguth
The Dunayevskaya-Marcuse-Fromm Correspondence, 1954–1978: Dialogues on Hegel, Marx and Critical Theory by Kevin B. Anderson and Russell Rockwell (eds). Plymouth: Lexington Books, 2012. 267pp., 21.95, ISBN 978 0 7391 6836 3Squalus megalops...